Home Birth
Comfort of Home
Evidence shows that for low risk healthy birthing people, home birth with certified professional midwives has the highest rates of physiologic birth, lowest rates of interventions, and no increase in adverse outcomes.
Birthing where you feel most safe is our number one recommendation. For most people that means in the comfort of your own home.
“The first intervention in birth is leaving your own front door”
We bring it all to you
We bring all the same supplies to every home birth as we would have at our Birth Studio, and in most cases natural hospital births. This includes:
Medications for hemorrhage, oxygen, routine medications for the newborn, IV fluids, and non-allopathic options
Tools: Emergency tools for resuscitation and labor support tools
Routine monitoring for birther and baby such as intermittent fetal doppler, etc.
Cleaning supplies
We leave your home how we found it (if not better) and depart with a new family tucked into bed.
The Midwifery Model of Care at Home
Monitoring the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the birther and baby
Providing the birther with individualized education, counseling, and continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery
Minimizing technological interventions
Identifying and referring women who require obstetrical attention when needed
The application of this model of care has been proven to reduce the incidence of birth injury, trauma, and cesarean section.
Blended Care
Grace will arrive in active labor and serve you, along with her student/assistant through postpartum.
We come to your home for the 24hour visit, 3 day lactation check up, and 1 week visit.
Postpartum visits at The Birth Studio resume at 2-3 weeks and 6 weeks.
Your Homebirth Team
Midwife Grace is the primary midwife at the Grace Midwifery Collective with a good support system from local midwives.